The Bedel Security Blog

Video Blog - CISO Intangibles: Understand the Business

Written by Chris Bedel | Jul 28, 2017

This video is the first of a series on the intangibles of a good CISO, or as some may call them, the soft skills.  

You know that we believe that every financial institution should have access to strong leadership in their cybersecurity program and we want help by either filling that role virtually as a service or by coaching and developing in-house CISOs and ISOs.

From a coaching perspective, we've seen the same mistakes time and time again, and not surprisingly, they often are rooted in the soft skills. Each video in this series is aimed at a particular skill or intangible that we feel every CISO needs to be successful.

Understanding the business of the organization is one way for the CISO to be strategic, help drive innovation, and get a seat a the table.  In the video, we talk about several other reasons and what can be done if this is an issue for you.

And it's only 3 minutes long...